Author: Admin

British Congress of Mathematics Education

British Congress of Mathematics Education Chiswick House School and Every1Counts sent two representatives to the British Congress of Mathematics Education (BCME) which takes place every four years. Ms Esmeralda Zerafa and Ms Shakeera Siyani are currently at this inspirational conference in which they are learning more about mathematics teaching and gaining further strategies to ensure that CHS maintains its outstanding standards in mathematics.
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Malta Jnr LEGO® League

Malta Jnr LEGO® League Mr Kevin Spiteri from IMS Ltd, visited Chiswick House School and gave a presentation to the children about the Malta Jnr LEGO® League. Malta Jnr LEGO® League is a STEM education programme designed for young children (8 to 11 years). Teams of up to 6 members will be guided by an adult mentor to explore and research a real-world problem related to the theme ‘Our Environment’. Teams are challenged to design and develop a solution which includes a model using LEGO® Education WeDo. Each team will share a presentation of their work during the Malta Robotics Olympiad. This programme will enable participants to learn how to apply their classroom knowledge to a real-world application. Teams will build a representation of what they are researching, incorporating movement into their creation through the use of LEGO® Education WeDo. Teams will use LEGO® Education WeDo to animate their model thus learning basic engineering and programming concepts in the process. The teams will also prepare a presentation to share their work with the judges, other teams and general public during the Malta Robotics Olympiad. The team at Chiswick House School is called Lego Legends and is being mentored by our Digital Literacy Leader, Ms Margaret Fonde and other volunteer staff members. Good luck Lego Legends!
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CHS “Wear A Hat Day”

CHS "Wear A Hat Day" We had a very exciting day at Chiswick House School yesterday as we celebrated ‘Wear a hat day’ during our second Dress Down Day this scholastic year. This international event takes place in March, Brain Tumour Awareness Month and coincides with the International Brain Awareness Week. We encouraged our pupils to participate and the results were AMAZING! Pupils put in so much effort and came up with the most creative hats. Every year, Chiswick House School and St Martin's College select a charity to support. This year we have chosen to support RIDT the University of Malta's Trust set up to collect funds for research. The RIDT was established by the Government of Malta in 2011 as an integral component of Malta’s established policy to bolster investment in research and development on a national level. Since its inception, the RIDT has managed to engage with various sectors of the Maltese society and to raise the much-needed awareness about the benefits of university research and the need to support it. This engagement has led to various projects being implemented, including PhD scholarships in cancer research, climate change and ALS research, a kidney research programme, research projects in engineering, a fully-fledged mobile dental clinic, and a research programme in the genetics of osteoporosis and one focusing on eye disease. The funds collected during Dress Down Day will be donated to the RIDT.
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