Category: Archives

Another fantastic achievement in Mathematics

Another fantastic achievement in Mathematics Another fantastic achievement in Mathematics for Chiswick House School and St Martin’s College! We are very pleased to announce that John England, a Level 6 student, has placed third in the final of the High 5 National Mathematics Challenge. 83 students made it through to the final stage of the competition from an initial total of over 300 participants. A massive well done and good luck to John, who will now proceed to participate in Mathematics without Borders. We also congratulate Catriona Jo Buhagiar, a Level 6 student, and Roberto Polimadei, a Level 5 student, who also managed to reach the final stage of the competition. Well done Catriona and Roberto. Keep up the good work!
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Speed Networking Workshop with MEP Election Candidates

Speed Networking Workshop with MEP Election Candidates St Martin’s College Sixth Form students participated in a Speed Networking Workshop with MEP election candidates. The purpose of the event was to increase the students’ involvement in the upcoming MEP elections during which they will be voting for the first time. The MEP candidates and students participated in highly engaging conversations about different issues that will be shaping their lives. The event was entirely organised by second-year student, Nicole Portelli, who was assisted by members of the Student Council.
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PGL Trip

PGL Trip Another fantastic PGL trip for our SMC students! The seven-day adventure, held at the Bawdsey Manor PGL site in England, was packed with activities which included raft building, Jacob’s ladder, the giant swing, archery, the zip wire as well as a coastal walk. During their stay, students also had the opportunity to visit the Norwich Castle, the Natural History Museum, the Viking exhibit, the Roman and Egyptian Museum and World War 1 and 2 exhibits found within the castle itself. Thank you to SMC staff and PGL Team Leaders for this truly unforgettable experience!
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Camping under the stars 

Camping under the stars Inspired by the concept of stretching and challenging our students to reach their full potential, the PE Department organised a pilot Camp Out. This required Level 7 students to spend 30 hours at a camping ground while learning vital survival skills in an open environment. The skills were taught during the PE lessons and put to practice during the Camp Out included outdoor First Aid, fire safety, pitching and disassembling a tent, keeping the environment clean, preparing your own food, campfire behaviour, working as a team, collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking (problem solving), SMC community spirit, leadership qualities and cross-curricular activities with Music, Drama, Geography, History and Virtue and Ethics. Parents/guardians were also invited to participate and help out during the Camp. What a fantastic learning experience for all who attended! A MASSIVE well done to the SMC PE Department for this enriching pilot project which we are sure is here to stay!
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STEM Week at CHS

STEM Week at CHS As part of STEAM week organised at Chiswick House School, Level 4 pupils participated in a Maths Trail held at the Malta National Aquarium. The trail gave pupils the opportunity to engage in various outdoor maths activities as well as to experience the relevance of mathematics to their daily lives. The Maths Trail was followed by a talk about the importance of reducing plastic consumption for a better planet.
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Putting Malta on the Maths Mastery Map

Putting Malta on the Maths Mastery Map A few words from Ms Bernie and Ms Esmeralda following a three-day maths mastery leadership conference they recently attended in Dubai... Bernie Mizzi - CHSMC Director and Head at CHS: 'An excellent opportunity to put Malta on the Maths Mastery Map and to hear and learn from others. Sharing our experiences was also a great reflective exercise for further development and growth.' Esmeralda Zerafa - Senior Middle Leader Curriculum Design at Chiswick House School: 'An unforgettable experience! It was truly enriching to be sharing the expertise we have gained at CHSMC about leading the change to Maths Mastery with other schools around the globe. Representatives from schools in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Portugal and Shanghai. It was inspirational to listen to the stories of others and to learn about how other schools have taken up this approach. Important interesting issues, such as differentiation and journaling, were also discussed. Many new ideas which we will definitely be adopting at CHSMC to keep up our great practices in maths teaching.'
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Art Trip to Florence

Art Trip to Florence A group of SMC students travelled to Florence, home to many masterpieces of Renaissance art and architecture. Throughout this exciting programme, organised by the Art teachers at St Martin’s College, students had the opportunity to see some important art works that form part of their syllabus. The Art trip included guided visits to the Uffizi, the Palatine Gallery at the Pitti Palace and the Palazzo Vecchio. Students also visited the Galleria dell’ Accademia, the Museo dell' Opera dell' Duomo and a temporary exhibition dedicated to Verrochio, Leonardo da Vinci’s Master at Palazzo Strozzi. The group also attended a number of bottega workshops at the Leonardo da Vinci Academy in Florence where they were taught how to make a tempera painting, a fresco and engraving. A trip to Pisa and Siena also formed part of this trip. Definitely a unique educational experience for all to treasure! A big thank you to all involved!
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