Category: Archives

SMC places third in the Mathematics Olympiad

SMC places third in the Mathematics Olympiad We are so proud to announce that St Martin’s College has placed third in the Mathematics Olympiad, a biennial competition organised by the Education Division's Mathematics Department.The Olympiad aims to identify talented maths students and foster problem-solving skills and a positive attitude towards maths in young students. While challenging, the experience was undoubtedly enjoyable. The competition was open to Level 9 and 10 students from State and non-state secondary schools, with each school represented by a team of four students. Julian Formosa, Sean Azzopardi, Neil Brincat and Esther Portelli formed this year’s team, coached by Mr Steve Zammit. Thirty-one teams from various schools contested in this year's competition, which was split into three sections. The participants had to attempt the first part on an individual basis. The latter two sections were a team effort.   A word of thanks goes to our Mathematics teachers, the Education Division and the Director for Curriculum Management, Mr Gaetano Bugeja, for providing us with this enriching experience.
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Victorian Day at CHS

Victorian Day at CHS A very exciting day for our Level 3 pupils as they stepped back in time whilst exploring the past world of the Victorians. Pupils discovered lots about the past and were able to compare what life was like then to now. This activity ties in with the present theme being explored at Chiswick House School ‘Past Worlds and Magical Lands’ where pupils are looking at traditional and fairy tales but with a twist. Level 3s are currently looking at the tale of Alice in Wonderland which was originally written in the Victorian Era. We thank parents/guardians for their amazing support and we applaud all staff for organising this wonderful activity. A very exciting day indeed!
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CHS Summer School 2019

CHS Summer School 2019 Our new summer programme - Once Upon a Summer... is now available!! The children will explore the magical world of stories as they delve into ancient myths and legends, to classic fables and everyone's favourite, timeless fairy tales. Through these stories, the children's imagination will be ignited and morals instilled as they gain an understanding of other cultures from around the world. Apply before Thursday 11th April to benefit from our 'Early Bird' offer ?
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Danish students visit SMC Sixth Form

Danish students visit SMC Sixth Form A group of students from Københavns åbne Gymnasium, Copenhagen, Denmark visited St Martin’s College Sixth Form as part of their class trip to Malta. The visit started with a presentation about Malta, at the end of which the Danish students engaged in an enriching intercultural exchange with St Martin’s College Sixth Form students. The Danish students then attended a number of different lessons at sixth form. This was the second time a Danish school visited St Martin’s College Sixth Form this scholastic year.
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SMC Careers Fair

SMC Careers Fair Senior School and Sixth Form students as well as parents/guardians had the opportunity to meet with various professionals and become better informed about post-secondary and tertiary courses during this year’s Careers Fair held at St Martin’s College. It was an excellent opportunity to explore exciting and diverse career paths. We thank Ms Eleanor Abela, Careers Adviser at SMC, and all participants for giving our students this opportunity.
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European Money Week

European Money Week Level 12 Economics A level students attended a very informative lecture on cyber security and online payment security. This lecture was hosted by Mr. Daniel German who gave an insight on how susceptible people are to information theft. They were shown how hackers can and often do eventually manage to break through and access sensitive data that puts them at risk. Cybercrime is very real, and it was explained to them that hackers have a plethora of ways of accessing their information, not only through their PCs but especially through mobile devices and other household devices that can be remotely controlled through connections to the internet. They were also introduced to a number of measures they should take to protect their sensitive information and steps that are a must when using both social media and when making purchases online. Students participated actively by asking questions and prompting further discussion on the issues discussed. At the end of the talk, Mr. German also gave our students a handout which included key points from his presentation about important precautions they should take as well as key hints regarding online passwords and interaction on social media networks. Throughout the very informative and interesting presentation, our students, were also shown a number of video clips on cybersecurity giving them an insight into real theft of personal data, the way hackers work and on why it is so important to be cautious when using the internet in today’s world
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Read Write Inc

Read Write Inc Read Write Inc is a multi-sensory reading programme that is designed to leave no learner behind. It allows children to experience success to help instill a love of reading. The programme begins by using verbal and pictorial cues to teach letter sounds and letter formation. Once children are confident with the sounds, they move to phonics readers which are read a number of times, each time with a different focus as children move from decoding words to reading with fluency and developing comprehension skills. Chiswick House School has started using this programme in the Early Years (EY2 to EY4) and will continue providing staff with professional learning opportunities to ensure that the quality of the programme is outstanding. We will keep our community updated about all the exciting new initiatives related to this programme!
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Science Safari

Science Safari Level 8 students participated in the sixth edition of the Science Safari which was held at Pembroke Heritage Trail. Students enjoyed an exciting treasure hunt based on scientific knowledge, skills and competences. Three teams represented St Martin’s College and approximately 90 groups of students participated. One of our SMC teams placed 5th in the treasure hunt!  Well done SMC students! Thank you Mr Andre Seguna and Mr Kirsten Caruana for coordinating the teams.  
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Climate Change Awareness

Climate Change Awareness Today, students at St Martin’s College Sixth Form gathered to raise awareness about climate change and its countless detrimental effects on people. Climate strikes are being held in more than 100 schools around the world on 15th March. Inspired by Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, students are calling for action on global warming. Mark Anthony Kuflewicz and Thomas Vella spoke to their fellow students about the importance of taking immediate action to reduce waste and increase climate change resilience. The students then planted an olive tree as a symbol of hope for climate change.
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