Category: Archives

Sixth Form Open Evening

Sixth Form Open Evening Open Evening was held at St Martin’s College Sixth Form on Thursday, 14th March. The College opened its doors for prospective students and their parents to visit the premises, talk to subject teachers about their choices and register for the next scholastic year. Newly registered students also had the opportunity to speak to current students about life at the College and also discuss their career preferences with the College’s Career Advisor. Mr Anthony Abela, Senior Leader, Sixth Form, discussed specific courses of interest with individual students. Prospective students were also informed about the broad range of activities held throughout the year. Registrations for the scholastic year 2019-2020 are now open.
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Sixth Form Open Evening

Sixth Form Open Evening Join us during our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 14th March between 18:30 and 21:00. An opportunity to view the College and meet our Sixth Form Team including our Career Advisor and Lecturers to discuss your individual needs. Registrations will be accepted for 2019/20 at the Open Evening. St Martin’s College Sixth Form is a leading independent Sixth Form offering a guarantee of very small class sizes and individual attention. For further information call our Senior Leader of Sixth Form, Mr Anthony Abela on 2134 5146 or email [email protected]
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Good Nutrition and Healthy Teeth

Good Nutrition and Healthy Teeth During the month of February, we welcomed Mr Michael Brincat from Swatar Dental Clinic and Mrs Galina Vella a nutritionist and CHS parent, who talked to our Early Years 2 pupils about good nutrition and healthy teeth, two very important factors in leading a healthy lifestyle. Mr Brincat spoke to them about the importance of looking after their teeth as well as how to correctly brush them. Mrs Vella spoke about the importance of eating a balanced diet and explained how each food group contributes to our well-being. We thank both specialists for these wonderful learning experiences for our little ones!
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Reading Stars/Brillantini tal-Qari

Reading Stars/Brillantini tal-Qari The National Literacy Agency, in collaboration with the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes, launched a campaign called ‘Reading Stars / Brillantini tal-Qari’, last November, to promote a love for reading, anytime and anywhere. The school was invited to nominate students who read in public spaces during their free time, such as in the school library. Three of these students, Benjamin Zammit, Isaline Alemanni and Angela Alemanni, were awarded a letter of achievement and a book voucher, sponsored by Merlin Library, last week. They were spotted reading in the library and in the Foyer area during a surprise visit by representatives of the National Literacy Agency. More surprise visits will be held!
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Maths Mastery Leadership Conference in Dubai

Maths Mastery Leadership Conference in Dubai Ms Bernie Mizzi and Ms Esmeralda Zerafa have been asked to present at a three-day maths mastery leadership conference in Dubai where they will be sharing their experiences about leading impactful change with emphasis on the whole school introduction to the Maths Mastery approach at Chiswick House School and St Martin’s College. Ms Suzanne Loporto, from CHS, as well as, Dr Jeannine Debattista, Ms Maria Bezzina and Ms Alexia Gouder, from SMC, will also be joining them to benefit from this international and professional learning experience. The MNP Maths Mastery Leadership Conference is an opportunity to learn about the theories and strategies that are changing the face of mathematics teaching around the world. It is also one of the OECD seven principles of learning adopted at CHSMC: Building Horizontal Connections. Click on the link for further information about the event:
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Professional Learning for Staff – BETT Fair

Professional Learning for Staff - BETT Fair Last weekend Ms Bernie Mizzi, Mr Joseph Fenech, Ms Esmeralda Zerafa, Mr David Cutajar and Ms Sharon King visited the BETT Fair in London. We are currently in the process of reviewing our IT practices at Chiswick House School and St Martin’s College. This visit, to one of the largest international exhibitions for educational technology, allowed the team leading this review, to experience the latest forms of technology available in the educational sphere. The team was blown away by the experience and look forward to improving the quality of IT practices at CHSMC.
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