Category: Archives


GREASE - The School Edition Congratulations to our SMC Greasers. You rocked!! ⚡⚡ A massive well done to all the team involved in this production, who have worked extremely hard over the past months under the direction of Lorraine Aquilina, James Utting and Danielle Asciak. We would also like to thank everyone who made it to the show. We look forward to the next one!
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Sixth Form students visit Art Exhibition

Sixth Form students visit Art Exhibition Students studying Art at St Martin’s College Sixth Form, recently visited an art exhibition at the House of Representatives, Valletta. The exhibition entitled, Reaching for the Spirit (20th Century images of the sacred and the spiritual), is a collective art exhibition by the late Carmelo Mangion, George Fenech and Antoine Camilleri. During their visit, the students met George Fenech's wife, Carmelo Mangion's daughter and Antoine Camilleri's son who provided the students with detailed information about the works on display. They also had some time dedicated to sketching.
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Bake Sale by the CHS Students’ Council

Bake Sale by the CHS Students’ Council The first event organised by Chiswick House School Students’ Council was a great success! An impressive variety of homemade cakes and sweet bakes were on offer during a Bake Sale. We would like to thank all of you who supported us during this event and we are pleased to announce that the Bake Sale raised an incredible total of €903.16. The council agreed that half of the proceedings will go towards the school to provide more resources for pupils whilst the other half will be donated to Rainbow Ward – Puttinu Cares Foundation at Mater Dei. We take this opportunity to thank all the members of the Students’ Council for their hard work. We are very proud of you!
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British Congress of Mathematics Education

British Congress of Mathematics Education Chiswick House School and Every1Counts sent two representatives to the British Congress of Mathematics Education (BCME) which takes place every four years. Ms Esmeralda Zerafa and Ms Shakeera Siyani are currently at this inspirational conference in which they are learning more about mathematics teaching and gaining further strategies to ensure that CHS maintains its outstanding standards in mathematics.
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15th Anniversary of great collaboration with our sister school

15th Anniversary of great collaboration with our sister school - Kindai High School This year marks the 15th anniversary of a project in which St Martin’s College is once again hosting a group of students from its sister school in Osaka, Japan. This project enables Students from Kindai High School to engage in intensive English lessons with teachers from EC Language School as well as integration lessons with students from St Martin’s College. This year’s welcome ceremony was specially celebrated with the kind presence of H.E. Mr Andre Spiteri, Maltese Ambassador to Japan. On behalf of staff members, parents and students we heartfully thank all those who have contributed to this project’s success.
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St Martin’s College Gymnasium Refurbishment

St Martin's College Gymnasium Refurbishment We are proud to announce the total refurbishment of our College gym – works were done through the Christmas holidays. The lighting in the gym has been upgraded from metal halide to LEDs which emit better and brighter lighting with no sound pollution and also help save on electricity consumption. The gym ceiling was whitewashed and vibrant blues were chosen to brighten up the walls. The sub-floor was treated with Damp Proof Membrane and Self-Levelling before the actual Tarkett Omnisports Pure Play 9.4mm rubber flooring was installed. The Sport flooring (EN 14904 CERTIFIED) is approved by International Sports Federations and offers extreme protection (integrated cushion for protection in the case of a fall), optimal safety (protect players against potential friction burn), comfort (adapted shock absorption levels for all ages, weights and levels of play) and sports performance (good energy return, consistent level of ball bounce and better grip). Installation of the lines for the different sports activities followed the installation of the flooring. Please let us all respect the safety instructions to protect the flooring as much as possible.
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Promoting Efficacy in Schools

Promoting Efficacy in Schools We are very proud to announce that Chiswick House School was selected to showcase their excellent practice in the second National seminar ‘Promoting Efficacy in Schools’. This initiative which was organised by the Ministry of Education focused on sharing examples of excellent teaching and learning practices that were observed by inspectors which form part of the Quality Assurance Department (QAD) during their external reviews held in different schools in Malta and Gozo. Ms Audrey Fenech Adami, Senior Leader at CHS, was chosen to share her experiences on a panel with other Heads of Schools. The main focus of her contribution focused on quality leadership in schools. Ms Paula Scicluna, Level leader Bumble Bees, was also asked to be part of another panel which consisted of teachers who shared quality practice within the teaching and learning sphere. The QAD also presented a video which was launched at the seminar which captures some excellent examples of Chiswick House School’s educational vision and how this unfolds within its classrooms, the school environment and within the community. The Quality Assurance Department (QAD) is set to nurture and monitor a quality holistic educational provision in Maltese compulsory schooling, which seeks to assist all individuals, irrespective of socio-economic, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious, gender and sexual status, to achieve their own full potential and reach personal fulfilment through lifelong learning, participation in the world of work and active citizenship in a democratic society.
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